Dr. Louis Barretti is located in Caldwell New Jersey and specializes in:

Dr. Barretti’s unique, comprehensive training and experience helps clients address current challenges as well as become "unstuck" from long-term personal and relational patterns. Areas of specialization include:

Barretti received his Doctorate and Educational Specialist Degree from Seton Hall University. He designed and implemented the first and longest running Student Assistance Counseling Program in the country as well as a model Family Counseling Program for Community Education Centers. He conducts seminars for couples and Financial Planners helping couples and families to balance the pressures of career, time with loved ones, and financial security. He is credentialed as a:

Interactive, non-judgmental counseling with Dr. Barretti is offered in a safe and confidential environment. Therapy is tailored to the unique needs of each individual, integrating a here and now approach with an appreciation for the significance of family and relational issues.

Contact information and Appointments
